Price List Creation

Price Lists are setup/created to maintain the commercial prices for sale to customers. Price List contains the list price (or base price) on top of which there will be charges/discounts as applicable to different customers to arrive at final selling price.

Pricelists can be global, product specific or region specific. Same item can be listed under different price lists with different prices.

Navigate to Oracle Pricing Manager responsibility -> Price Lists -> Price List Setup


Enter the Price List name, description, currency, effective dates and active checkbox.

Navigate to line level information and enter product name, UOM and list price.

Price can be maintained at Item level, group(category) of item level or for all items.

If you would like to give volume based discounts then you can setup price breaks.

Secondary pricelist can also be attached if pricing don’t find price for a given item then it will fetch from secondary price list.

Qualifier information: Qualifier determines the eligibility criteria for a price.

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