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Copy Price List

Price List can be manually created or copied from an existing price list and necessary changes can be made later.

Navigate to Oracle Pricing Manager responsibility -> Price Lists -> Copy Price List


Enter the information to copy price list

1 ) Enter price list from which information will be copied

2 ) Currency and description are defaulted from the selected pricelist

3 ) Items from and to: Select the specific items if only list price for that items to be copied.

4 ) Select the Item category set or item categories for which list price will be copied.

5 ) Check the ‘include discounts’ to copy discounts information.

6 ) Check the ‘Retain Effective Dates’ to copy effective dates.

7 ) Enter the new price list name and description

8 ) Enter the price list effective date information if applicable.

Click ‘Submit’ to launch the concurrent program. Once concurrent request is completed normal, you can query the price list to verify the copied price list information.

Price List Creation

Price Lists are setup/created to maintain the commercial prices for sale to customers. Price List contains the list price (or base price) on top of which there will be charges/discounts as applicable to different customers to arrive at final selling price.

Pricelists can be global, product specific or region specific. Same item can be listed under different price lists with different prices.

Navigate to Oracle Pricing Manager responsibility -> Price Lists -> Price List Setup


Enter the Price List name, description, currency, effective dates and active checkbox.

Navigate to line level information and enter product name, UOM and list price.

Price can be maintained at Item level, group(category) of item level or for all items.

If you would like to give volume based discounts then you can setup price breaks.

Secondary pricelist can also be attached if pricing don’t find price for a given item then it will fetch from secondary price list.

Qualifier information: Qualifier determines the eligibility criteria for a price.

Oracle Advanced Pricing Overview

Oracle Pricing & Advanced Pricing are two different things. Pricing covers the basic features and come bundled with Order Management, however Advanced pricing is a separate module that has advanced pricing features. Overall pricing module lets you define pricelists, discounts, surcharges, promotions etc.

Price Lists: Price lists allows you to define prices for the goods/services sold. You can define Item, Unit of measure, unit price, currency and effective dates.

Qualifiers: Qualifiers controls who qualifies for what, you can define a qualifier based on customer groups, order types, order amounts etc and attach this to price lists. When sales order is entered it verifies that qualifier is applicable for this price list.

Pricing attributes: This gives you added functionality of defining price based on some attributes.

Modifiers: Price list defines the base price, Modifier controls the positive or negative discounts to the list price. Modifier types can be Deal, discount list, Freight, promotion, surcharge. Qualifiers can be attached to modifiers. Eg. if Customer is A2Z corporation you can give 40% discount, then 40% discount on list is price is applied if customer on sales order is A2Z.

Pricing formulas: Pricing formulas allows dynamic pricing (instead of static list price) based on pricing attributes.