kabaliraa joined the group
Oracle OTR 8 years ago
Lakshman kumar joined the group
Oracle OTR 11 years ago
kushwaha started the forum topic OM approval list feature in R12 in the group
Oracle OTR 13 years ago
Can some one explain to me the approval list functionality in oracle R12 order management module?
kushwaha joined the group
Oracle OTR 13 years ago
Kim Tran replied to the forum topic custom bill of lading print during ship confirm ? in the group
Oracle OTR 13 years ago
to launch custom bill of lading report automatically you should attach to ship confirm document set.
Kim Tran replied to the forum topic custom bill of lading print during ship confirm ? in the group
Oracle OTR 13 years ago
You can launch custom bill of lading automatically. I am not sure if u can use the BOL number generated by the system.
Kim Tran joined the group
Oracle OTR 13 years ago
Zhang Mandy started the forum topic custom bill of lading print during ship confirm ? in the group
Oracle OTR 13 years ago
is it possible to print custom bill of lading during ship confirm that use bill of lading number generated by standard oracle ?
mandy joined the group
Oracle OTR 13 years ago
Mamatha joined the group
Oracle OTR 14 years ago
Iqbal Shah joined the group
Oracle OTR 14 years ago
desioracle started the forum topic picking rules in the group
Oracle OTR: 14 years ago
how to prevent picking from a subinventory or locator while it still have onhand ?
desioracle joined the group
Oracle OTR 14 years ago
Satish iyer Oracle Recruiter joined the group
Oracle OTR 14 years ago
Venkat Raman joined the group
Oracle OTR 14 years ago
James Brown started the forum topic sales order entry without item number in the group
Oracle OTR: 14 years ago
we are Engineered to Order (ETO) type of business, when we first receive specifications from customer, we will not have complete design of item item. Once design completes engineers decide whether this is a new item or an existing item. What we want is enter the sales order without an item number until engineering complete, […]
James Brown joined the group
Oracle OTR 14 years ago
R Pallavi joined the group
Oracle OTR 14 years ago
Rebecca Coleman started the forum topic automatic release of order hold in the group
Oracle OTR: 14 years ago
Order credit hold is applied automatically, but is there any way to release the hold automatically ?
becki joined the group
Oracle OTR 14 years ago
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