3.1 Engineering Change Order
Engineering Change Orders are created to modify items, BOMs and Routings. ECOs will support to capture the changes, approve and implement new revisions at a specified date.
Navigation: Engineering -> ECOs -> ECOs
1) ECO: Name or Number of the ECO. If ECO auto numbering is setup then this is defaulted automatically.
2) Type: ECO type. This field along with ECO priority controls the approval workflow process.
3) Status: Shows the status of ECO – Open, Approved, Cancelled, Scheduled, Implemented.
4) Requestor: Name of the Requestor.
5) ECO Department: Name of the ECO department
6) Reason: ECO Reason code
7) Priority: ECO Priority code. This field along with ECO type controls the approval workflow process.
8) Approval List: Predefined approvers list
9) Approval Status: Approval status of ECO
Click on ‘Revised Items’ to enter revised item, BOM & routing information.