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Suggest Data Composites


NAME: Suggest Data Composites
MODULE: Oracle Demand Planning

Description: This program is for suggesting composite grouping based on stream data.
Navigation: Oracle Demand Planning Responsibility -> View -> Requests -> Submit a new request -> Select Single Request -> Click ‘OK’ -> Select Name of concurrent program / report.

Report Parameters:

  • p_mode : Do you want to apply the suggested composites?
  • p_threshold : Overlap Threshold (%)


Collect Shipment and Booking History


NAME: Collect Shipment and Booking History
MODULE: Oracle Demand Planning

Description: Collect Shipment and Booking History
Navigation: Oracle Demand Planning Responsibility -> View -> Requests -> Submit a new request -> Select Single Request -> Click ‘OK’ -> Select Name of concurrent program / report.

Report Parameters:

  • p_sr_instance_id : Instance
  • p_collection_group : Collection Group
  • p_collection_method : Collection Method
  • p_hidden_parameter1 : p_hidden_parameter1
  • p_date_range_type : Date Range Type
  • p_collection_window : History Collection Window
  • p_from_date : Date From
  • p_to_date : Date To
  • p_bh_bi_bd : Booking History – Booked Items – Booked Date
  • p_bh_bi_rd : Booking History – Booked Items – Requested Date
  • p_bh_ri_bd : Booking History – Requested Items – Booked Date
  • p_bh_ri_rd : Booking History – Requested Items – Requested Date
  • p_sh_si_sd : Shipment History – Shipped Items – Shipped Date
  • p_sh_si_rd : Shipment History – Shipped Items – Requested Date
  • p_sh_ri_sd : Shipment History – Requested Items – Shipped Date
  • p_sh_ri_rd : Shipment History – Requested Items – Requested Date
  • p_collect_iso : Collect Internal Sales Orders
  • p_collect_all_order_types : C


Collect Returns History


NAME: Collect Returns History
MODULE: Oracle Demand Planning

Description: Collect Returns History
Navigation: Oracle Demand Planning Responsibility -> View -> Requests -> Submit a new request -> Select Single Request -> Click ‘OK’ -> Select Name of concurrent program / report.

Report Parameters:

  • p_sr_instance_id : Instance
  • p_collection_group : Collection Group
  • p_collection_method : Collection Method
  • p_date_range_type : Date Range Type
  • p_collection_window : History Collection Window
  • p_from_date : Date From
  • p_to_date : Date To
  • p_entity_name : p_entity_name