PRC: Update Project Summary Amounts (XML)
NAME: PRC: Update Project Summary Amounts (XML)
MODULE: Oracle Projects
Description: Update Project Summary Amounts
Navigation: Oracle Projects Responsibility -> View -> Requests -> Submit a new request -> Select Single Request -> Click ‘OK’ -> Select Name of concurrent program / report.
Report Parameters:
- From Project Number : Start Project Number for project to be accumulated
- To Project Number : End Project Number for project to be accumulated
- Through Date :
- Summarize Cost : Summarize Cost
- Expenditure Type Class : Expenditure Type Class of actual cost to be accumulated
- Summarize Revenue : Summarize Revenue
- Summarize Budgets : Summarize Budgets
- Budget Type : Budget Type for which accumulation is to be done
- Summarize Commitments : Summarize Commitments
- Debug Mode :
- Summarization Context : Context for Selecting Projects to be Summarized
- Grouping Id : Id to Group Projects to be Summarized
- Delete Temp Table : To Delete or not the Records from the table Pa_Projects_For_Accum
- Project Type : Project Type
- Generate Report Output : Generate Report Output
- Mode : Mode for Accumulation
- DebugFlag : DebugFlag