Generate award optimization scenario results
NAME: Generate award optimization scenario results
MODULE: Oracle Sourcing
Description: Award Optimization : Generate scenario results
Navigation: Oracle Sourcing Responsibility -> View -> Requests -> Submit a new request -> Select Single Request -> Click ‘OK’ -> Select Name of concurrent program / report.
Report Parameters:
- P_AUCTION_HEADER_ID : auction_header_id of the current negotiation
- P_SCENARIO_ID : internal scenario_id of the optimized scenario
- P_SCENARIO_NUM : user-displayed scenario_number of the optimized scenario
- P_REQUESTED_BY_USER_ID : fnd_user.user_id of the person who submitted this request
- P_REQUESTED_DATE : date/time when this request was submitted
- P_REQUESTED_BY_USER_NAME : fnd_user.user_name of the person who submitted this request
- P_COST_CONSTRAINT_FLAG : Cost of constraint flag, Y if Cost of constraint, N if Award optimization
- P_CONSTRAINT_TYPE : pon_optimize_constraints.constraint_type
- P_INTERNAL_TYPE : Internal constraint type to indicate the user defined constraint
- P_LINE_NUMBER : line number of the pon_optimize_constraints
- P_SEQUENCE_NUMBER : sequence number of the pon_optimize_constraints