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Cross Order Volume Load

Cross Order Volume load is a pre-requisite request to run cross-order volume report.
Cross order volume report lists out the order volume information for each item/custom/period, this data is extracted from cross order volume tables which is populated by cross order volume load. This program maintains the data based on list price (not the actual selling price). This report uses 3 profile options.

  • QP: Cross order volume period 1
  • QP: Cross order volume period 2
  • QP: Cross order volume period 3

This profile maintains the number of days each cross volume period is. If period1 is 10 days then from the parameter effective date it calculates the date range for cross volume period 1.

Oracle Advanced pricing responsibility -> Reports -> Run Reports -> Select Report name as ‘Cross Order volume load’ -> Enter the parameters.

Cross Order Volume Load

Cross Order Volume Load

Report Parameters:

  • Operating Unit:
  • Effective Date: Effective date is used to determine the date range for cross volume period based on cross volume period profile option.

Click ‘OK to submit the request. Navigate to menu bar -> View -> Requests to view the status of the request. This request doesn’t generate any output.

Build Formula Package Request

Build Formula Package Request is a concurrent request that builds the formula package. This formula package (PL/SQL package) is used in pricing to determine the price. This request must be run every time there is a change in formula.

Oracle Advanced pricing responsibility -> Reports -> Run Reports -> Select Report name as ‘Build Formula Package’.

Build Formula Package

Build Formula Package

Report Parameters:

This request don’t have any parameters.

Click ‘OK to submit the request. Navigate to menu bar -> View -> Requests to view the request output.

Build Attribute Mapping Rules Request

Build Attribute Mapping Rules is a concurrent request that processes all the attributes rules setup in pricing into BUILD_CONTEXTS API. Running this request is a pre-requisite before we start using attribute based pricing. Oracle pricing API internally uses this to derive the pricing info. Run this program every time you add/change the pricing attributes. This request logic is based on profile option ‘QP: Build Attribute Mapping Options’, if it set to ‘YES’ then all active attributes are considered, if it is ‘NO’ the both active and inactive attributes are considered.

Oracle Advanced pricing responsibility -> Reports -> Run Reports -> Select Report name as ‘Build Attribute Mapping Rules’ -> Enter the parameters.

Build attribute mapping rules request

Build attribute mapping rules request

Report Parameters:

This request don’t have any parameters.

Click ‘OK to submit the request. Navigate to menu bar -> View -> Requests to view the request output.