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3.2 ECO Auto Implement

ECO Auto Implement is a concurrent program that implements all scheduled ECOs.

Navigation: Engineering -> Setups -> Auto Implement

Name of the Request: Pre-Implementation in ECO implementation


1) All Organizations – Select Yes or No.

2) Organization Hierarchy – One or groups organizations to be implemented.

Click ‘Submit’ to submit the concurrent program.

ECO Auto Implement

ECO Auto Implement

3.1 Engineering Change Order

Engineering Change Orders are created to modify items, BOMs and Routings. ECOs will support to capture the changes, approve and implement new revisions at a specified date.

Navigation: Engineering -> ECOs -> ECOs

1) ECO: Name or Number of the ECO. If ECO auto numbering is setup then this is defaulted automatically.

2) Type: ECO type. This field along with ECO priority controls the approval workflow process.

3) Status: Shows the status of ECO – Open, Approved, Cancelled, Scheduled, Implemented.

4) Requestor: Name of the Requestor.

5) ECO Department: Name of the ECO department

6) Reason: ECO Reason code

7) Priority: ECO Priority code. This field along with ECO type controls the approval workflow process.

8) Approval List: Predefined approvers list

9) Approval Status: Approval status of ECO

Engineering Change Order

Engineering Change Order

Click on ‘Revised Items’ to enter revised item, BOM & routing information.

ECO Revised Items

ECO Revised Items

11. ECO Departments

ECO or Engineering departments are organization entities to which ECOs are assigned. ECO departments are not tied to any inventory org structure but it gives flexibility based on business need to setup engineering entities.

ECO Departments are setup using the same screen as Inventory Organizations or Operating Units.

Navigation: Engineering -> Setups -> ECO Departments

Click “New” to enter new department

1) Name: Name of the ECO Department

2) Type: Usually it should be “department” for ECO department

3) From: Effective start date

4) To: Effective end date

5) Location: Pre-defined physical locations that represent the physical address of the department

6) Organization Classification Name: It should be ‘ECO Department’

7) Enabled Flag: Check the flag to enable.

Save the changes.

ECO Departments

ECO Departments