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7. ECO Reasons

ECO Reason Codes: ECO Reason Codes classify the reasons for making changes through ECO. Typically reason codes helps in management / operational reporting. ECO Reason codes are attached to ECOs when they are created.

Navigation: Engineering -> Setups -> ECO Reason Codes

1) Reason: Name of the ECO Reason code

2) Description: Meaningful description of the ECO Reasons.

3) Inactive on: End date of ECO Reason codes.

ECO Reasons

ECO Reasons

6. ECO Priorities

ECO priorities are defined in Oracle Engineering setup. Priorities are assigned to Engineering Change Orders (ECO). Priorities along with change types can control the approval workflow process.  Same ECO type can follow different approval workflow process based on ECO Priorities.

Navigation: Engineering -> Setups -> ECO Priorities

1) Priority: Enter the Priority name

2) Priority Sequence: Sequence that determines the priority.

3) Description: Priority description

4) Inactive On: End date of ECO Priority

Save the changes.

ECO Priorities

ECO Priorities

5. ECO Approval List

Engineering Change Order (ECO) Approval List are defined through ‘Setup’ and later attached to ECOs for controlling who can approve ECOs.

Navigation: Engineering -> Setups -> Approval List

1) List: Enter ECO Approval List name

2) Description: Enter meaningful description of ECO approval list

3) Inactive On: Enter end date after which the ECO list will become inactive

4) Seq: Sequence of approver

5) Employee: Approver name

6) Description: Employee description

7) Inactive on: End date any approver from the list without end dating the entire approval list.

ECO Approval List

ECO Approval List