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3.2 ECO Auto Implement

ECO Auto Implement is a concurrent program that implements all scheduled ECOs.

Navigation: Engineering -> Setups -> Auto Implement

Name of the Request: Pre-Implementation in ECO implementation


1) All Organizations – Select Yes or No.

2) Organization Hierarchy – One or groups organizations to be implemented.

Click ‘Submit’ to submit the concurrent program.

ECO Auto Implement

ECO Auto Implement

3.1 Engineering Change Order

Engineering Change Orders are created to modify items, BOMs and Routings. ECOs will support to capture the changes, approve and implement new revisions at a specified date.

Navigation: Engineering -> ECOs -> ECOs

1) ECO: Name or Number of the ECO. If ECO auto numbering is setup then this is defaulted automatically.

2) Type: ECO type. This field along with ECO priority controls the approval workflow process.

3) Status: Shows the status of ECO – Open, Approved, Cancelled, Scheduled, Implemented.

4) Requestor: Name of the Requestor.

5) ECO Department: Name of the ECO department

6) Reason: ECO Reason code

7) Priority: ECO Priority code. This field along with ECO type controls the approval workflow process.

8) Approval List: Predefined approvers list

9) Approval Status: Approval status of ECO

Engineering Change Order

Engineering Change Order

Click on ‘Revised Items’ to enter revised item, BOM & routing information.

ECO Revised Items

ECO Revised Items

Oracle Apps Engineering Interview Questions

  1. What is Engineering Change Order (ECO) ?
  2. What are different types of ECO ?
  3. Explain ECO life cycle steps ?
  4. Explain different types ECO approval process ?
  5. What is ‘Approval Lists’ ?
  6. What happens upon implementing an ECO ?
  7. Can ECO can have multiple changes for different items ?
  8. Explain mass changing ECOs ?
  9. Explain the different between engineering item and manufacturing item ?
  10. What happens when we do ‘transfer to manufacturing’ ?
  11. Can we purge ECOs ?
  12. What is a prototype ?
  13. Can we buy an engineering item ?
  14. Can we manufacture an engineering item ?
  15. Explain any four engineering profile options ?