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Lot Transactions Register Report

This is a standard reports that comes seeded when you install Oracle Applications. This report provides complete details associated with a lot. You can run the report for a lot, lot numbers range, items, transactions types, subinventories or for a given specific date range.

The output provides the complete historical information.

Lot Genealogy

Lot Genealogy or Lot traceability provides the drill down features to access all information related to that LOT easily. Many manufacturing industries it is a compliance requirement to have this traceability. When government bodies or regulatory authorities are requested you should be ready to produce such information. Lot genealogy information can be extended to trading partners like suppliers and customers. Using Lot genealogy once trace what supplier items/lots are used to manufacture that lot and to which customer this lot is shipped.

Grade Control Setup

Grade control feature is part of ‘Oracle Process Manufacturing’. In R12 the process inventory module and discrete inventory module were merged, hence these features were ported to discrete manufacturing customers as well.

Grade is a rating of an item lot usually based on quality inspection. Grade is a characteristoc of item lot.