Pick Release Rules Setup
Setup: Define Release Rules Form
Setup Short Code: WSHFDREL
Module: Oracle Shipping
Setup Navigation: Shipping super user responsibility -> Shipping -> Setup -> Define Pick Release Rules Setup.
Setup Description: Pick Release rules contain the default parameters used during pick release. This will save lot of time during pick release. You can just select the pick release rule instead of entering data for each field during pick release.
- Rule: Enter the pick release rule name
- Effective: Enter from and to effective dates
Release Criteria: ORDER tab
- Orders
- Order Type
- Order Number
- Ship Set
- Prior Reservations Only
- Destination Type
- Customer
- Ship-To
- Item
- Category set
- Category
- Number
- Scheduled ship dates
- Start within: # of days and time
- End within: # of days and time
- Requested dates:
- Start within: # of days and time
- End within: # of days and time
Release Criteria: SHIPPING tab
- Ship Method
- Ship Priority
- Ship From
- Include assigned lines
- Document Set
- Release Sequence Rules
- Auto create deliveries
- Auto create delivery criteria
- Auto pick confirm
- Auto pack delivery
- Ship Confirm Rule
- Append Deliveries
Release Criteria: INVENTORY tab
- Warehouse
- Subinventory
- Project
- Task
- Pick slip grouping rule
- Allocation method
- Cross Dock criteria
- Auto Allocate
- Plan Tasks
- Task Priority
- Pull Replenishment
- Pick From
- Subinventory
- Locator
- Default Stage
- Subinventory
- Locator