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Auto Create Deliveries for Delivery Lines

Transaction: Auto create deliveries for Delivery Lines
Transaction form code:
Module: Oracle Shipping

Deliveries can be auto created during pick release, or from a shipping transaction window. In this tutorial you will learn on how to auto create deliveries from shipping transaction window.

Shipping super user responsibility -> Shipping -> Shipping -> Transactions

  • Query the delivery/delivery line
  • Select the multiple lines you want group and create a delivery.
  • Select the ‘Auto-create Deliveries’ as action from ACTIONS drop down menu.
  • Click GO
  • Save the transaction.

Unassign Delivery Lines from a Delivery

Transaction: Unassign Delivery Lines from a Delivery
Transaction form code:
Module: Oracle Shipping

Delivery lines can be manually added or removed from an existing delivery. In this tutorial you will learn on how to unassign a delivery line from a delivery.

Shipping super user responsibility -> Shipping -> Shipping -> Transactions

  • Query the delivery/delivery line
  • Go to the delivery line stab
  • Select the ‘Unassign from Delivery’ as action from ACTIONS drop down menu.
  • Click GO
  • Save the transaction.

Assign Delivery Lines to Delivery

Transaction: Assign Delivery Lines to Delivery
Transaction form code:
Module: Oracle Shipping

Delivery lines can be manually added to an existing delivery or few sales order lines can be grouped to create a new delivery.

Shipping super user responsibility -> Shipping -> Shipping -> Transactions

  • Query the delivery/delivery line
  • Go to the delivery line stab
  • Select the ‘Assign to Delivery’ as action from ACTIONS drop down menu.
  • Click GO
  • Select the existing delivery from the window displayed.
  • Save the transaction.