NAME: Payables Posted Invoice Register
MODULE: Oracle Accounts Payables
Description: Payables Posted Invoice Register
Navigation: Oracle AP Responsibility -> View -> Requests -> Submit a new request -> Select Single Request -> Click ‘OK’ -> Select Name of concurrent program / report.
Report Parameters:
- P_RESP_APPLICATION_ID : Application id attached to the responsibility
- P_LEDGER : Ledger Name
- P_COA_ID : Internal identifier for Chart of Accounts
- P_LEGAL_ENTITY_ID : Internal identifier for the legal entity
- P_LEGAL_ENTITY : Legal Entity Name
- P_TRX_LEGAL_ENTITY_ID : Internal Idntifier for Legal Entity on transaction
- P_TRX_LEGAL_ENTITY : Transaction Legal Entity Name
- P_GL_DATE_FROM : Start Date
- P_GL_DATE_TO : End Date
- P_CREATION_DATE_FROM : Start date for the transaction creation date
- P_CREATION_DATE_TO : End date for the transaction creation date.
- P_TRANSACTION_DATE_FROM : Start date for the transaction date
- P_TRANSACTION_DATE_TO : End date for the transaction date
- P_JE_STATUS_CODE : Status code for the journal entry
- P_JE_STATUS : Journal Entry Status
- P_POSTING_STATUS_CODE : Posting status code for the journal entry
- P_POSTING_STATUS : Posting Statu