India – Program to Generate eTDS Certificates
NAME: India – Program to Generate eTDS Certificates
MODULE: Oracle Asia / Pacific Localizations
Description: Generates a flat file as per legal format that contain eTDS Certificate data
Navigation: Oracle Asia / Pacific Localizations Responsibility -> View -> Requests -> Submit a new request -> Select Single Request -> Click ‘OK’ -> Select Name of concurrent program / report.
Report Parameters:
- P_TAN_NUMBER : Tan Number of Organization
- P_FINANCIAL_YEAR : Shows the available financial years
- P_ORGANIZATION_ID : useful to fetch address details from the location linked to organization
- P_TAX_AUTHORITY_ID : TDS Authorities
- P_DEDUCTOR_NAME : Enterable field of Deductor Name
- P_DEDUCTOR_STATE : Shows the Indian States and their Codes
- P_ADDR_CHANGED_SINCE_LAST_RET : selected value tells whether the address of deductor is changed since last return
- P_DEDUCTOR_STATUS : selected value tells whether the deductor belong to Central or Others
- P_PERS_RESP_FOR_DEDUCTION : Person who is resposible for tds deduction
- P_DESG_OF_PERS_RESPONSIBLE : Designation of the Person Reposible for TDS Deduction
- P_CHALLAN_START_DATE : Start Date filter for TDS Invoices
- P_CHALLAN_END_DATE : End Date filter for TDS Invoices
- P_FILE_PATH : UTL_FILE directory of
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