Send Receipt of Payment Notifications
NAME: Send Receipt of Payment Notifications
MODULE: Oracle Payments
Description: Creates notifications to payers that funds will be debited from their bank accoount or credit/debit card
Navigation: Oracle Payments Responsibility -> View -> Requests -> Submit a new request -> Select Single Request -> Click ‘OK’ -> Select Name of concurrent program / report.
Report Parameters:
- Settlement Batch Reference :
- From Settlement Date :
- To Settlement Date :
- From Payment System Order Num :
- To Payment System Order Num :
dk said on March 1, 2013
I have requirement to create Custom template based on Template Name:”Receipt of Payment Notification” ,Template Code:”IBYR_PPN”. We created a template adding logo and required needs of ours based on the above mentioned Template.We get the Noticiation as E-mail as defined in the template.But Here is the problem , the logo added in the template is getting streched verticaly and upon serveral attempts to resize it in the template it still behaves the same way.
Need help where do i need make modifications to control this Streching of logo. Your help would be appreciated.
sa said on March 27, 2013
Hi dk,
Can you please tell me how you accomplished this functionality?