Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Overview
Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning (ASCP) is the main planning engine Oracle is offering, it has advanced features than the traditional MRP module. Its plans the supply (POs, Requisitions, work orders) based on demand (forecasts, sales orders).
ASCP functional features:
- Global Planning engine: ASCP can plan one inventory organization or all inventory organizations, it can consider all inter-plant supply/demand in one process.
- Mixed modes of manufacturing: ASCP can support discrete, process, project & flow manufacturing in one plan.
- Detail planning: ASCP can do short-term detail planning as well long term aggregate planning in one shot.
- Constraint based planning: Traditional MRP is unconstrained, it plans for the future and raises exceptions if there are any constraints. Constraint based planning can be done by either capacity as a constraint or meeting demand is an constraint.
- Optimzed Planning: Based on buisness rules setup, ASCP can plan the the output to optimize the criteria given by users.
- Multiple versions of Oracle: The planning instance support multiple source ERP instances which are running on a different versions of Oracle (R10.7, R11, R12).
- Plan Simulations: Planners can simulate the changes and review impact without actually making the necessary changes.
Data Collections: Data collections are set of programs that collect the base data (items, boms, routings, onhands, sales orders, purchase orders etc) from source ERP instance into planning instance to perform the supply chain planning.
Kunal said on March 15, 2010
Good one!!
oracleguru said on March 15, 2010
Thank you Kunal. Subscribe to our community to keep you updated with latest content.
Srinivasan said on June 17, 2011
To add a couple of additional features of Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Constraint-Based planning also considers Supplier Capacity constraints (for material supply) and Lead Time constraints. The exception messages and the related exceptions are thrown to the planner according to the constraints. Decision rules in conjunction with the constraints incorporate the planner’s thought process into the planning application. Optimization plans allow the planners to set the appropriate weights to the enterprise objectives and plan accordingly without loosing sight of the existing constraints.
Panchal Antonees said on November 22, 2012
The basic plans in ASCP are production plan, manufacturing plan and master plan. The two types of ASCP classes are constrained class and unconstrained class. Resource and material are the constraints in planning a constraint class. The three steps involved in the ASCP process are:
1. Collection of data
2. Launching the plan
3. Release suggestions.
In the data collection step, a PL/SQL program pulls the the supply information like purchase orders, requisitions, work orders into the base tables and loads the data from the source instance to the planning engine. In the second step, the created plan is attached with a Master Demand Schedule. The demand schedule has all the information of forecasts and sales orders. When the plan is launched, the planning engine pegs the supply to demand details. The third step releases suggestions for purchase requisitions, purchase orders, planned orders, reschedule in and cancellations if any. In the pegging process the shortage/excess of material requirements can be found out.
Moreover with the help of the Grantt chart, a horizontal plan gives a picture of the entire supply and demand information of all the organizations.
sudeep kumar said on January 11, 2013
a beautiful & brief piece of knowledge.
keep up the good work guys.
bala said on February 23, 2013
Hi All – when PR’s are created from ASCP, the releases are creating automatically based on sourcing rules etc,. Here thing is in releases form, ship-to location is displaying PR deliver-to location not the BPA ship-to location. How can we customize to display BPA ship-to on releases ship-to?
Arup Ghosh said on November 11, 2013
Hi Bala,
You can use the Requistion Import hook and change the deliver to as per the BPA attached.
Suhas Sabade said on March 8, 2016
For a given planned order for an item, we have several planned orders for the subassempblies
If the planned work order number for the item is 1234 then I would like to renumber the subassembly work orders like 1234A, 1234B, 1234C etc.
How can achieve this in ASCP before releasing the work orders ?