Projects Concurrent Programs
Oracle Projects Concurrent Programs
PAXRWDRE | Process Responsibility Type Programs |
PAXRWLUP | Projects Lookups |
PAXRWPRG | Project Accounting Programs |
PAXRWIMP | Implementation Options |
PAXRWPTY | Project Types |
PAXRWLCO | Labor Cost Rates Listing By Organization |
COMPILE_SCHEDULE | Compile Burden Rate Schedule |
COMPILE_ALL | Compile All Uncompiled Burden Schedule Revisions |
PAXTRTRX | Transaction Import |
PAXTRTXS | Transaction Sources |
PADTBC | Interface Total Burdened Costs to GL |
PACOCRSR | Compile Burden Schedule Revision |
PACOANOR | Compile New Organization Burden Rates |
PACODTBC | Distribute Total Burdened Cost |
PACTFTBC | Interface Total Burdened Cost to GL |
PACTBTBC | Tieback Total Burdened Cost from GL |
PAXCCARS | Compile All Burden Schedule Revisions |
PAXCPGAL | PRC: Generate Asset Lines for a Range of Projects |
PAXCPCAL | Interface Assets to Fixed Assets |
PAXACMPT | Update Project Summary Amounts |
PAXACRPT | Refresh Project Summary Amounts |
PAXACRTA | Refresh Transaction Summary Amounts |
PAXACRLT | PRC: Update Project Summary Amounts after Resource List Change |
PARGDR_SINGLE | Generate Draft Revenue |
PAIGEN_SINGLE | Generate Draft Invoices |
PAXACMPT_SINGLE | Update Project Summary Amounts for a Single Project |
PAXCPGAL_SINGLE | Generate Asset Lines for a Single Project |
PASTRP | Submit Project Streamline Processes |
FNDRSSUB122 | Generate and Interface Asset Lines |
PAADWCP | Collect Dimension and Fact Tables |
PAADWGV | ADW Generate Collection Views |
PAXBAUPD | Process project/task attribute mass update batches |
PASDUC_BURDEN | Create and Distribute Burden Transactions |
PAADWRP | Refresh Dimension and Fact Tables |
PAXMGSLS | AUD: Project Subledger: Summary |
PAXMGSLD | AUD: Project Subledger: Detail by Project: Shows the transactions in Oracle Projects for a GL account projectwise |
PAXMGSLE | AUD: Project Subledger: Detail by Expenditure Type: Shows the transactions in Oracle Projects for a GL account Expenditure Typewise across projects |
PAXAURAT | AUD: Revenue Audit Report |
PAXAUGLT | AUD: Cost Audit Report |
PAXEXCPS | Transaction Exception Summary |
PAXEXCPD | EXC: Transaction Exception Details |
PAXSMPRD | Summarization Period Exceptions |
PARGDR_DELETE | Delete Draft Revenue of a Single Project |
PABISUMS | PRC: Refresh OBIS Summary Amounts – Obsolete |
PAXALRAT | Release Allocations Transactions |
PAXALGAT | Generate Allocations Transactions |
PAMRCUPG | UPG: MRC Setup – Projects Transactions Upgrade |
PAMRCUPGRPT | UPG: MRC Setup – Projects Transactions Upgrade Status Report |
PAAPIMP | Interface Expense Reports from Payables |
PAAPIMPR | Interface Project Costs from Payables/Purchasing Report |
PAICGEN_SINGLE | Generate Intercompany Invoices for a Single Project |
PAICGEN | Generate Intercompany Invoices for a Range of Projects |
PATTAR-IC | Interface Intercompany Invoices to Receivables |
PACCBL | This is a process run in the Provider Operating Unit and processes all transactions identified for Borrowed and Lent accounting |
PAXICGNS | PRC: Intercompany Invoice Generation report for a Single Project |
PAXICGNR | PRC: Intercompany Invoice Generation report for a Range of Projects |
PAXCCBLR | PRC: Borrowed and Lent Amounts Distribution Report |
PACCTIER | Tieback Cross Charge Distributions From General Ledger |
PACCGLTR | Interface Cross Charge Distributions to General Ledger |
PAAPIMP_SI | Interface Supplier Invoices from Payables |
PAXCCGLA | AUD: Cross Charge Audit Report |
PAXAUMTC | Missing Timecards |
PAXRWETP | Expenditure Types |
PAXRWSBR | Standard Rate Schedules |
PAXPRWBS | Work Breakdown Structure |
PAXPRCON | Project Configuration |
PAXPRTSK | Task Details |
PAXAASVL | AutoAccounting Lookup Sets |
PAXAAFTP | AutoAccounting Functions |
PAXAASRP | AutoAccounting Segment Rule Pairings |
PAXAARUL | AutoAccounting Rule Definitions |
PAXEXRPE | Expenditures Detail |
PAXBUBSS | Revenue, Cost, Budgets by Work Breakdown Structure |
PAXPEEMO | Employee Assignments By Organization |
PAXEXPEA | Pre-Approved Expenditures Entry Audit |
PAXEXADJ | Project Expenditure Adjustment Activity |
PAXPCEGS | Expenditure Batch Status |
PAXEXESR | Expenditures Summary |
PAXMGPSD | Revenue, Cost, Budgets by Resources (Project Level) |
PAXMGTSD | Task – Revenue, Cost, Budgets by Resources |
PAXMGURA | Unbilled Receivables Aging |
PAXARAGE | Receivables Aging by Project/Customer |
PAXPCRFD | Revenue Flow Detail |
PAXAGAST | Agreement Status By Customer |
PAXEMRAO | Employee Activity By Organization |
PAXPCIDF | Invoice Flow Detail |
PAXEXTAR | Transfer Activity Report |
PAXPCTCE | Timecard Entry |
PAXPCIFS | Invoice Flow Summary |
PAXPCPRS | Potential Revenue Summary |
PAXINGEN | Invoice Review |
PAXEXONE | Expense Report Entry |
PAPBER | Distribute Expense Report Adjustments |
PATTER | Interface Expense Reports to Payables |
PAFFER | Tieback Expense Reports from Payables |
PARTAR | Tieback Invoices from Receivables |
PARGDR | Generate Draft Revenue for a Range of Projects |
PAIGEN | Generate Draft Invoices for a Range of Projects |
PALDLC | Distribute Labor Costs |
PATTAR | Interface Invoices to Receivables |
PAGGLT | Interface Labor Costs to General Ledger |
PAGTIE | Tieback Labor Costs from General Ledger |
PASDUC | Distribute Usage and Miscellaneous Costs |
PASGLT | Interface Usage and Miscellaneous Costs to General Ledger |
PASTIE | Tieback Usage Costs from General Ledger |
PASTRM | Submit Interface Streamline Processes |
PARCFR | Compute Forecast Labor Revenue |
PATTGL | Generate Accounting Events for Revenue |
PARTIE | Tieback Revenue from General Ledger |
PAXMGPBS | Project Billing Status |
PAVTVC | Interface Supplier Invoice Adjustment Costs to Payables |
PAVTIE | Tieback Vendor Invoice Adjustment Costs from GL |
PAVDVC | Distribute Supplier Cost Adjustments |
PAXARTRX | Create Invoice Organization Transaction Types in Oracle Receivables |
PAXRWAGT | Agreement Types |
PAXRWCTY | Credit Types |
PAXRWPET | Event Types |
PAXRWBCC | Burden Cost Codes |
PAXRWLCM | Labor Cost Multipliers |
PAXRWPCT | Project Contact Types |
PAXRWPCR | Project Customer Relationships |
PAXRWPRT | IMP: Project Roles |
PAXRWPJS | Project Statuses |
PAXRWPSV | Service Types |
PAXRWBCM | Burden Cost Multipliers By Organization |
PAXRWCRS | Labor Costing Rules Listing |
PAXRWLCR | Labor Cost Rates Listing |
PAXRWUDF | Units Definition |
PAXPEJOB | Job Listing |
PAXPEORG | Organization Listing |
PAXRWPST | Projects Periods |
PAXRWDIF | Invoice Formats Listing |
PAXRWAUT | Revenue Authorization Rules Configuration |
PAXRWRVC | Revenue Categories |
PAXRWPCC | Class Categories and Codes |
PAXRWNLR | Non-Labor Resources By Organization |
PAXPEAST | Employee Assignment |
PAXRWECR | Expenditure Cost Rates |
PAXRWDOH | Organization Hierarchy |
PAOSTRM | Interface Streamline Processes to GL for Primary and Reporting Set of Books |
PARRGLB_CUT_OFF_DATE | PRC : Identify Transactions for Actuals Utilization – Obsolete |
PA_WRAP_GEN_FORECAST | Run Generate Forecast |
PABDGRLR | Year End Budget Rollover Process |
PAFCUPAE | Maintain Budgetary Control Balances |
PAXAUERT | Expense Report Audit Report |
PARRGLBB_ACTUALS | Run Summarization for Actuals Utilization Amounts – Obsolete |
PAXAUVIT | Supplier Invoice Audit Report |
PARRGLBB_FORECASTS | Run Summarization for Scheduled Utilization Amounts – Obsolete |
PAFICALF | Calculate Forecast Amounts (Initial) |
PAYROPPG | Manage Project Requests: Create Project Requests and Update Projects |
PAFICALI | Calculate Forecast Amounts (Incremental) |
PAFICALP | Update Forecast Amounts |
PAFPEXRP | Organization Forecast Exceptions Report |
PAJEBRUP | This Program will update the bill rate schedule for project and Task defaulted from Project Types |
PAFPORGF | Generate Organization Forecasts |
PAPERACTRULES | PRC: Perform Action Rules |
PARASCNRP | Automated Candidate Search for a Range of Projects |
PARASCNSP | Automated Candidate Search for a Single Project |
PASDUC_BURDEN_RANGE | Create and Distribute Burden Transactions for a Range of Projects |
PAUBRUER | This process creates unbilled receivables and unearned revenue summary balances for draft revenue and draft invoices in Oracle Projects. |
PAWKTPUP | Upgrade Work Types/Project Manufacturing Attributes. |
PAXALDAT | Delete Allocations Transactions |
PAXEXGLD | Transaction Exception Details by GL Period |
PAXEXGLS | Transaction Exceptions Summary by GL Period |
PARGCALG | Generate Calendar Schedules for a Range of Calendars |
PARGCALGS | Generate Calendar Schedule for a Single Calendar |
PARLBLDG | Rebuild Timeline for a Range of Resources |
PARLBLDGS | Rebuild Timeline for a Single Resource |
PARCPRJR | Maintain Project Resources |
PARFIEXP_PROCESS | Process Forecast Exceptions |
PARFIEXP_REPORT | List Forecast Exceptions |
FNDRSSUB740 | Generate Utilization |
Stage10 | Create Utilization Summary Amounts |
PAFPMRC | Upgrade Budgets For Multi Reporting Currency |
PAFPUPG | Upgrade Budget Types and Budget Versions |
PAFUNDMC | This process upgrade the Funding for the multi reporting currency and list all the funding lines that failed to convert from primary to reporting currency in Oracle Projects. |
PALDLC_RANGE | Distribute Labor Costs for a Range of Projects |
PAPDPROF | Refresh Project Plan Versions Period Profile |
PARRSAVL | PRC: Refresh Resource Availability |
PATMUPGS | Upgrades all the task managers in the project as project members in the given role |
PAXARPPR | Purge Project Data |
PAXARPVD | PRC: Validate Purge Batches |
PAXFRADR | Revaluated Funding Audit Report |
PAXINTCP | Rebuild Project Search Intermedia Index |
PAXOPTCP | Optimize Project Search Intermedia Index |
PAXPRFRP_DELETE | Delete Revaluated Funding for a Range of Projects |
PAXPRFRP_RANGE | Revaluate Funding for a Range of Projects |
PAXPRFRP_SINGLE | Revaluate Funding for a Single Project |
PAXUPACC | UPG: Update Project Access Level |
PAXUSGNS | Process to Archive/Purge Unassigned Forecast items |
PAVDVC_RANGE | Distribute Supplier Cost Adjustments for a Range of Projects |
PAYROPPG_ASN | Manage Project Requests: Create Project Requests and Update Projects for Oracle Sales |
PACRCAPS | Report for viewing capital project summary amounts |
PACRCIPF | Report that displayes the interfaced CIP and RWIP Amounts |
PACCINTG | PRC: Generate Capitalized Interest Transactions |
PACAPINT | Compile Capitalized Interest Rate Schedule |
PACRCBDT | Project Asset Details Report |
PACINTPG | Purge Capitalized Interest Transactions Audit |
PAIGEN_DELETE | Delete Unreleased Draft Invoices for a Range of Projects |
PACACCBP | Create Periodic Capital Events |
PACFATBP | Tieback Asset Lines from Oracle Assets |
PAWPUWBS | This process recalculates task weighting percentages for the work breakdown structure, and updates planning elements for budgeting and forecasting. |
PACINTAR | AUD: Inactive Capital Projects Report |
PAXCIDAT | Delete Capitalized Interest Transactions |
PAPFEXCP | Program to generate Performance Transaction Data, KPA Scoring and notification |
PARBSRSH | For refreshing resource names |
PAUPGRRL | UPG: Upgrade Resource List To Planning Resource List |
PAINIACT | PRC: Initiate Project Deliverable Actions |
PA_FP_GEN_AMT_WRP | Generate Financial Plan Amounts |
OKEDPDRF | PRC: Relieve Project Deliverable Demand |
PAFPMIPR | Missing Periods: Date-Range Budgets |
PAFPWACP | This concurrent program processes the plan version data uploaded from a spreadsheet to Oracle Projects |
PACCSLAR | Generate accounting events for cross charge distributions |
PAACCPB | Create Accounting Program |
PAGCAE | Generate accounting events for cost transactions |
PATXMAS | This program processes mass adjustments of expenditure items. |
PAXSIADJ | The program reports on supplier cost transactions. You can use the report as an aid to reconcile Oracle Projects with Oracle Payables, Oracle Purchasing, and Oracle General Ledger. |
PAXBUBDB | Copy Actuals |
PAXLAUPGCP | Upgrade on demand child process program |
PAXACCPB | Create Accounting Program |
PAXGLTRN | Use this program to transfer to GL subledger journal entries generated by previous executions of the create accounting program |
PA_XLAALEXP | Export Application Accounting Definitions |
PA_XLAALIMP | Import Application Accounting Definitions |
PA_XLAAPPURGE | Purge old Transaction Objects Diagnostics related information |
PA_XLAAPDIAG | Transaction Objects Diagnostics Output |
PA_XLAONDEUPG | This program upgrades subledger transactions into Subledger Accounting for periods that have not been upgraded as part of the upgrade to release 12 process. |
PA_XLABABUP | Subledger Accounting Balances Update |
PA_XLATBDMG | Open Account Balances Data Manager |
PAPEXRPT | This report is called by the Period Close Validation Program to extract all those events which are either untransferred or are not accounted for. |
PAJELINESRPT | SLA Standard Journal Entry Lines Report |
PAXAARPT | Standard Account Analysis Report |
PATTARIC | Interface Intercompany Invoices to Receivables |
PATTAR_IC | Interface Intercompany Invoices to Receivables |
PAXRWPET_XML | Event Types |
PAFPURUP | Streamline Rollup for Financial Plan Versions, Workplan Versions, and Change Orders |
PAXRWPJS_XML | Project Statuses |
PAXRWPRT_XML | IMP: Project Roles |
PAXRWPST_XML | Projects Periods |
PAXRWPSV_XML | Service Types |
PAXRWPTY_XML | Project Types |
PAXRWRVC_XML | Revenue Categories |
PAXRWSBR_XML | Standard Rate Schedules |
PAXRWUDF_XML | Units Definition |
PAXSIADJ_XML | The program reports on supplier cost transactions. You can use the report as an aid to reconcile Oracle Projects with Oracle Payables, Oracle Purchasing, and Oracle General Ledger. |
PAXSMPRD_XML | Summarization Period Exceptions |
PAXTRTRX_XML | Transaction Import |
PAXTRTXS_XML | Transaction Sources |
PAAPIMPR_XML | Interface Project Costs from Payables/Purchasing Report |
PACCGLER_XML | PRC: Sweep Transaction Accounting Events (XML) |
PACCINTG_XML | PRC: Generate Capitalized Interest Transactions |
PACCSLAR_XML | Generate accounting events for cross charge distributions |
PACINTAR_XML | AUD: Inactive Capital Projects Report |
PACRCAPS_XML | Report for viewing capital project summary amounts |
PACRCBDT_XML | Project Asset Details Report |
PACRCIPF_XML | Report that displayes the interfaced CIP and RWIP Amounts |
PAFPEXRP_XML | Organization Forecast Exceptions Report |
PAPERACTRULES_XML | PRC: Perform Action Rules (XML) |
PARCPRJR_XML | Maintain Project Resources |
PARGCALGS_XML | Generate Calendar Schedule for a Single Calendar |
PARGCALG_XML | Generate Calendar Schedules for a Range of Calendars |
PARLBLDGS_XML | Rebuild Timeline for a Single Resource |
PARLBLDG_XML | Rebuild Timeline for a Range of Resources |
PAUBRUER_XML | This process creates unbilled receivables and unearned revenue summary balances for draft revenue and draft invoices in Oracle Projects. |
PAUPGRRL_XML | UPG: Upgrade Resource List To Planning Resource List (XML) |
PAXAAFTP_XML | AutoAccounting Functions |
PAXAARUL_XML | AutoAccounting Rule Definitions |
PAXAASRP_XML | AutoAccounting Segment Rule Pairings |
PAXAASVL_XML | AutoAccounting Lookup Sets |
PAXACMPT_SINGLE_XML | Update Project Summary Amounts for a Single Project |
PAXACMPT_XML | Update Project Summary Amounts |
PAXACRPT_XML | Refresh Project Summary Amounts |
PAXACRTA_XML | Refresh Transaction Summary Amounts |
PAXAGAST_XML | Agreement Status By Customer |
PAXALGAT_XML | Generate Allocations Transactions |
PAXALRAT_XML | Release Allocations Transactions |
PAXARPPR_XML | Purge Project Data |
PAXARPVD_XML | PRC: Validate Purge Batches |
PAXAUERT_XML | Expense Report Audit Report |
PAXAUGLT_XML | AUD: Cost Audit Report |
PAXAUMTC_XML | Missing Timecards |
PAXAUVIT_XML | Supplier Invoice Audit Report |
PAXBAUPD_XML | Process project/task attribute mass update batches |
PAXBUBSS_XML | Revenue, Cost, Budgets by Work Breakdown Structure |
PAXCCARS_XML | Compile All Burden Schedule Revisions |
PAXCCGLA_XML | AUD: Cross Charge Audit Report |
PAXCPCAL_XML | Interface Assets to Fixed Assets |
PAXCPGAL_SINGLE_XML | Generate Asset Lines for a Single Project |
PAXCPGAL_XML | PRC: Generate Asset Lines for a Range of Projects (XML) |
PAXEMRAO_XML | Employee Activity By Organization |
PAXEXADJ_XML | Project Expenditure Adjustment Activity |
PAXEXCPD_XML | EXC: Transaction Exception Details |
PAXEXCPS_XML | Transaction Exception Summary |
PAXEXGLD_XML | Transaction Exception Details by GL Period |
PAXEXGLS_XML | Transaction Exceptions Summary by GL Period |
PAXEXONE_XML | Expense Report Entry |
PAXEXTAR_XML | Transfer Activity Report |
PAXFRADR_XML | Revaluated Funding Audit Report |
PAXINGEN_XML | Invoice Review |
PAXMGPBS_XML | Project Billing Status |
PAXMGPSD_XML | Revenue, Cost, Budgets by Resources (Project Level) |
PAXMGSLD_XML | AUD: Project Subledger: Detail by Project: Shows the transactions in Oracle Projects for a GL account projectwise |
PAXMGSLE_XML | AUD: Project Subledger: Detail by Expenditure Type: Shows the transactions in Oracle Projects for a GL account Expenditure Typewise across projects |
PAXMGSLS_XML | AUD: Project Subledger: Summary |
PAXMGTSD_XML | Task – Revenue, Cost, Budgets by Resources |
PAXMGURA_XML | Unbilled Receivables Aging |
PAXPCEGS_XML | Expenditure Batch Status |
PAXPCIDF_XML | Invoice Flow Detail |
PAXPCIFS_XML | Invoice Flow Summary |
PAXPCPRS_XML | Potential Revenue Summary |
PAXPCRFD_XML | Revenue Flow Detail |
PAXPCTCE_XML | Timecard Entry |
PAXPEAST_XML | Employee Assignment |
PAXPEEMO_XML | Employee Assignments By Organization |
PAXPEJOB_XML | Job Listing |
PAXPEORG_XML | Organization Listing |
PAXPRCON_XML | Project Configuration |
PAXPRFRP_DELETE_XML | Delete Revaluated Funding for a Range of Projects |
PAXPRFRP_RANGE_XML | Revaluate Funding for a Range of Projects |
PAXPRFRP_SINGLE_XML | Revaluate Funding for a Single Project |
PAXPRTSK_XML | Task Details |
PAXPRWBS_XML | Work Breakdown Structure |
PAXRWAGT_XML | Agreement Types |
PAXRWCTY_XML | Credit Types |
PAXRWDIF_XML | Invoice Formats Listing |
PAXRWDOH_XML | Organization Hierarchy |
PAXRWETP_XML | Expenditure Types |
PAXRWIMP_XML | Implementation Options |
PAXRWLCO_XML | Labor Cost Rates Listing By Organization |
PAXRWLCR_XML | Labor Cost Rates Listing |
PAXRWNLR_XML | Non-Labor Resources By Organization |
PAXRWPCC_XML | Class Categories and Codes |
PAXRWPCR_XML | Project Customer Relationships |
PAXRWPCT_XML | Project Contact Types |
PAPMPRPB | This process recalculates task weighting percentages for the work breakdown structure, and updates planning elements for budgeting and forecasting. |
PAPPURGE | Purge Obsolete Projects Data |
PARPPROJMGR | Project Manager Reporting Pack |
PARPWORKER | Reporting Pack Worker Concurrent Program |
PAPWPRI | PRC: Release Pay when Paid Holds |
PAPWPRIREP | AUD: Pay When Paid Release Audit |
PAREPGEN | To generate and deliver reports |
PA_DEBITMEMO_IMPORT | PRC: Import Deductions To Payables |
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