PRC: Update Project Summary Amounts
NAME: PRC: Update Project Summary Amounts
MODULE: Oracle Projects
Description: Update Project Summary Amounts
Navigation: Oracle Projects Responsibility -> View -> Requests -> Submit a new request -> Select Single Request -> Click ‘OK’ -> Select Name of concurrent program / report.
Report Parameters:
- From Project Number : Start Project Number for project to be accumulated
- To Project Number : End Project Number for project to be accumulated
- Through Date :
- Summarize Cost : Summarize Cost
- Expenditure Type Class : Expenditure Type Class of actual cost to be accumulated
- Summarize Revenue : Summarize Revenue
- Summarize Budgets : Summarize Budgets
- Budget Type : Budget Type for which accumulation is to be done
- Summarize Commitments : Summarize Commitments
- Debug Mode :
- Summarization Context : Context for Selecting Projects to be Summarized
- Grouping Id : Id to Group Projects to be Summarized
- Delete Temp Table : To Delete or not the Records from the table Pa_Projects_For_Accum
- Project Type : Project Type
- Generate Report Output : Generate Report Output
- Mode : Mode for Accumulation
Naveen said on July 15, 2016
Even thought after filling the details in the parameter. The output is blank. All the cost are under “Future Period Transactions(Unaccumulated)”. What does it mean?