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Assign freight costs to delivery lines

Transaction: Assign freight costs to delivery lines
Transaction form code:
Module: Oracle Shipping

Freight costs are either automatically added based on pricelist setup, it can also be added / adjusted manually prior to shipping on either sales order form or shipping transactions form. In this tutorial you will learn how to add freight costs to a delivery line using shipping transaction form.

Shipping super user responsibility -> Shipping -> Shipping -> Transactions

  • Query the delivery/delivery line
  • Select the delivery line(s) for which you want to add freight costs.
  • Select the ‘Assign Freight Cost’ as action from ACTIONS drop down menu.
  • Click GO
  • Enter the freight cost amount, currency, name, conversion type and creation date.
  • Save the transaction.

Purge Delivery Lines

Transaction: Purging Delivery Lines
Transaction form code:
Module: Oracle Shipping

Purging Delivery Lines can be performed if old delivery lines information is no longer needed. Purging deletes the delivery lines information permanently.

Shipping super user responsibility -> Shipping -> Purge SRS

Submit the request with required parameters.

Auto Create Trip for Delivery Lines

Transaction: Auto create Trip for Delivery Lines
Transaction form code:
Module: Oracle Shipping

Trips can be auto created from deliveries or delivery lines without delivery. In this tutorial you will learn on how to auto create trip for delivery lines, When you do this delivery, trip, trip stops are automatically created.

Shipping super user responsibility -> Shipping -> Shipping -> Transactions

  • Query the delivery/delivery line
  • Select the multiple lines you want group and create a Trip.
  • Select the ‘Auto-create Trip’ as action from ACTIONS drop down menu.
  • Click GO
  • Save the transaction.