Projects Concurrent Programs

Oracle Projects Concurrent Programs

PAXRWDRE Process Responsibility Type Programs
PAXRWLUP Projects Lookups
PAXRWPRG Project Accounting Programs
PAXRWIMP Implementation Options
PAXRWPTY Project Types
PAXRWLCO Labor Cost Rates Listing By Organization
COMPILE_SCHEDULE Compile Burden Rate Schedule
COMPILE_ALL Compile All Uncompiled Burden Schedule Revisions
PAXTRTRX Transaction Import
PAXTRTXS Transaction Sources
PADTBC Interface Total Burdened Costs to GL
PACOCRSR Compile Burden Schedule Revision
PACOANOR Compile New Organization Burden Rates
PACODTBC Distribute Total Burdened Cost
PACTFTBC Interface Total Burdened Cost to GL
PACTBTBC Tieback Total Burdened Cost from GL
PAXCCARS Compile All Burden Schedule Revisions
PAXCPGAL PRC: Generate Asset Lines for a Range of Projects
PAXCPCAL Interface Assets to Fixed Assets
PAXACMPT Update Project Summary Amounts
PAXACRPT Refresh Project Summary Amounts
PAXACRTA Refresh Transaction Summary Amounts
PAXACRLT PRC: Update Project Summary Amounts after Resource List Change
PARGDR_SINGLE Generate Draft Revenue
PAIGEN_SINGLE Generate Draft Invoices
PAXACMPT_SINGLE Update Project Summary Amounts for a Single Project
PAXCPGAL_SINGLE Generate Asset Lines for a Single Project
PASTRP Submit Project Streamline Processes
FNDRSSUB122 Generate and Interface Asset Lines
PAADWCP Collect Dimension and Fact Tables
PAADWGV ADW Generate Collection Views
PAXBAUPD Process project/task attribute mass update batches
PASDUC_BURDEN Create and Distribute Burden Transactions
PAADWRP Refresh Dimension and Fact Tables
PAXMGSLS AUD: Project Subledger: Summary
PAXMGSLD AUD: Project Subledger: Detail by Project:  Shows the transactions in Oracle Projects for a GL account projectwise
PAXMGSLE AUD: Project Subledger:  Detail by Expenditure Type:  Shows the transactions in Oracle Projects for a GL account Expenditure Typewise across projects
PAXAURAT AUD: Revenue Audit Report
PAXAUGLT AUD: Cost Audit Report
PAXEXCPS Transaction Exception Summary
PAXEXCPD EXC: Transaction Exception Details
PAXSMPRD Summarization Period Exceptions
PARGDR_DELETE Delete Draft Revenue of a Single Project
PABISUMS PRC: Refresh OBIS Summary Amounts – Obsolete
PAXALRAT Release Allocations Transactions
PAXALGAT Generate Allocations Transactions
PAMRCUPG UPG: MRC Setup – Projects Transactions Upgrade
PAMRCUPGRPT UPG: MRC Setup – Projects Transactions Upgrade Status Report
PAAPIMP Interface Expense Reports from Payables
PAAPIMPR Interface Project Costs from Payables/Purchasing Report
PAICGEN_SINGLE Generate Intercompany Invoices for a Single Project
PAICGEN Generate Intercompany Invoices for a Range of Projects
PATTAR-IC Interface Intercompany Invoices to Receivables
PACCBL This is a process run in the Provider Operating Unit and processes all transactions identified for Borrowed and Lent accounting
PAXICGNS PRC: Intercompany Invoice Generation report for a Single Project
PAXICGNR PRC: Intercompany Invoice Generation report for a Range of  Projects
PAXCCBLR PRC: Borrowed and Lent Amounts Distribution Report
PACCTIER Tieback Cross Charge Distributions From General Ledger
PACCGLTR Interface Cross Charge Distributions to General Ledger
PAAPIMP_SI Interface Supplier Invoices from Payables
PAXCCGLA AUD: Cross Charge Audit Report
PAXAUMTC Missing Timecards
PAXRWETP Expenditure Types
PAXRWSBR Standard Rate Schedules
PAXPRWBS Work Breakdown Structure
PAXPRCON Project Configuration
PAXPRTSK Task Details
PAXAASVL AutoAccounting Lookup Sets
PAXAAFTP AutoAccounting Functions
PAXAASRP AutoAccounting Segment Rule Pairings
PAXAARUL AutoAccounting Rule Definitions
PAXEXRPE Expenditures Detail
PAXBUBSS Revenue, Cost, Budgets by Work Breakdown Structure
PAXPEEMO Employee Assignments By Organization
PAXEXPEA Pre-Approved Expenditures Entry Audit
PAXEXADJ Project Expenditure Adjustment Activity
PAXPCEGS Expenditure Batch Status
PAXEXESR Expenditures Summary
PAXMGPSD Revenue, Cost, Budgets by Resources (Project Level)
PAXMGTSD Task – Revenue, Cost, Budgets by Resources
PAXMGURA Unbilled Receivables Aging
PAXARAGE Receivables Aging by Project/Customer
PAXPCRFD Revenue Flow Detail
PAXAGAST Agreement Status By Customer
PAXEMRAO Employee Activity By Organization
PAXPCIDF Invoice Flow Detail
PAXEXTAR Transfer Activity Report
PAXPCTCE Timecard Entry
PAXPCIFS Invoice Flow Summary
PAXPCPRS Potential Revenue Summary
PAXINGEN Invoice Review
PAXEXONE Expense Report Entry
PAPBER Distribute Expense Report Adjustments
PATTER Interface Expense Reports to Payables
PAFFER Tieback Expense Reports from Payables
PARTAR Tieback Invoices from Receivables
PARGDR Generate Draft Revenue for a Range of Projects
PAIGEN Generate Draft Invoices for a Range of Projects
PALDLC Distribute Labor Costs
PATTAR Interface Invoices to Receivables
PAGGLT Interface Labor Costs to General Ledger
PAGTIE Tieback Labor Costs from General Ledger
PASDUC Distribute Usage and Miscellaneous Costs
PASGLT Interface Usage and Miscellaneous Costs to General Ledger
PASTIE Tieback Usage Costs from General Ledger
PASTRM Submit Interface Streamline Processes
PARCFR Compute Forecast Labor Revenue
PATTGL Generate Accounting Events for Revenue
PARTIE Tieback Revenue from General Ledger
PAXMGPBS Project Billing Status
PAVTVC Interface Supplier Invoice Adjustment Costs to Payables
PAVTIE Tieback Vendor Invoice Adjustment Costs from GL
PAVDVC Distribute Supplier Cost Adjustments
PAXARTRX Create Invoice Organization Transaction Types in Oracle Receivables
PAXRWAGT Agreement Types
PAXRWCTY Credit Types
PAXRWPET Event Types
PAXRWBCC Burden Cost Codes
PAXRWLCM Labor Cost Multipliers
PAXRWPCT Project Contact Types
PAXRWPCR Project Customer Relationships
PAXRWPRT IMP: Project Roles
PAXRWPJS Project Statuses
PAXRWPSV Service Types
PAXRWBCM Burden Cost Multipliers By Organization
PAXRWCRS Labor Costing Rules Listing
PAXRWLCR Labor Cost Rates Listing
PAXRWUDF Units Definition
PAXPEJOB Job Listing
PAXPEORG Organization Listing
PAXRWPST Projects Periods
PAXRWDIF Invoice Formats Listing
PAXRWAUT Revenue Authorization Rules Configuration
PAXRWRVC Revenue Categories
PAXRWPCC Class Categories and Codes
PAXRWNLR Non-Labor Resources By Organization
PAXPEAST Employee Assignment
PAXRWECR Expenditure Cost Rates
PAXRWDOH Organization Hierarchy
PAOSTRM Interface Streamline Processes to GL for Primary and Reporting Set of Books
PARRGLB_CUT_OFF_DATE PRC : Identify Transactions for Actuals Utilization – Obsolete
PA_WRAP_GEN_FORECAST Run Generate Forecast
PABDGRLR Year End Budget Rollover Process
PAFCUPAE Maintain Budgetary Control Balances
PAXAUERT Expense Report Audit Report
PARRGLBB_ACTUALS Run Summarization for Actuals Utilization Amounts – Obsolete
PAXAUVIT Supplier Invoice Audit Report
PARRGLBB_FORECASTS Run Summarization for Scheduled Utilization Amounts – Obsolete
PAFICALF Calculate Forecast Amounts (Initial)
PAYROPPG Manage Project Requests: Create Project Requests and Update Projects
PAFICALI Calculate Forecast Amounts (Incremental)
PAFICALP Update Forecast Amounts
PAFPEXRP Organization Forecast Exceptions Report
PAJEBRUP This Program will update the bill rate schedule for project and Task defaulted from Project Types
PAFPORGF Generate Organization Forecasts
PAPERACTRULES PRC: Perform Action Rules
PARASCNRP Automated Candidate Search for a Range of Projects
PARASCNSP Automated Candidate Search for a Single Project
PASDUC_BURDEN_RANGE Create and Distribute Burden Transactions for a Range of Projects
PAUBRUER This process creates unbilled receivables and unearned revenue summary balances for draft revenue and draft invoices in Oracle Projects.
PAWKTPUP Upgrade Work Types/Project Manufacturing Attributes.
PAXALDAT Delete Allocations Transactions
PAXEXGLD Transaction Exception Details by GL Period
PAXEXGLS Transaction Exceptions Summary by GL Period
PARGCALG Generate Calendar Schedules for a Range of Calendars
PARGCALGS Generate Calendar Schedule for a Single Calendar
PARLBLDG Rebuild Timeline for a Range of Resources
PARLBLDGS Rebuild Timeline for a Single Resource
PARCPRJR Maintain Project Resources
PARFIEXP_PROCESS Process Forecast Exceptions
PARFIEXP_REPORT List Forecast Exceptions
FNDRSSUB740 Generate Utilization
Stage10 Create Utilization Summary Amounts
PAFPMRC Upgrade Budgets For Multi Reporting Currency
PAFPUPG Upgrade Budget Types and Budget Versions
PAFUNDMC This process upgrade the Funding for the multi reporting currency and list all the funding lines that failed to convert from primary to reporting currency in Oracle Projects.
PALDLC_RANGE Distribute Labor Costs for a Range of Projects
PAPDPROF Refresh Project Plan Versions Period Profile
PARRSAVL PRC: Refresh Resource Availability
PATMUPGS Upgrades all the task managers in the project as project members in the given role
PAXARPPR Purge Project Data
PAXARPVD PRC: Validate Purge Batches
PAXFRADR Revaluated Funding Audit Report
PAXINTCP Rebuild Project Search Intermedia Index
PAXOPTCP Optimize Project Search Intermedia Index
PAXPRFRP_DELETE Delete Revaluated Funding for a Range of Projects
PAXPRFRP_RANGE Revaluate Funding for a Range of Projects
PAXPRFRP_SINGLE Revaluate Funding for a Single Project
PAXUPACC UPG: Update Project Access Level
PAXUSGNS Process to Archive/Purge Unassigned Forecast items
PAVDVC_RANGE Distribute Supplier Cost Adjustments for a Range of Projects
PAYROPPG_ASN Manage Project Requests: Create Project Requests and Update Projects for Oracle Sales
PACRCAPS Report for viewing capital project summary amounts
PACRCIPF Report that displayes the interfaced CIP and RWIP Amounts
PACCINTG PRC: Generate Capitalized Interest Transactions
PACAPINT Compile Capitalized Interest Rate Schedule
PACRCBDT Project Asset Details Report
PACINTPG Purge Capitalized Interest Transactions Audit
PAIGEN_DELETE Delete Unreleased Draft Invoices for a Range of Projects
PACACCBP Create Periodic Capital Events
PACFATBP Tieback Asset Lines from Oracle Assets
PAWPUWBS This process recalculates task weighting percentages for the work breakdown structure, and updates planning elements for budgeting and forecasting.
PACINTAR AUD: Inactive Capital Projects Report
PAXCIDAT Delete Capitalized Interest Transactions
PAPFEXCP Program to generate Performance Transaction Data, KPA Scoring and notification
PARBSRSH For refreshing resource names
PAUPGRRL UPG: Upgrade Resource List To Planning Resource List
PAINIACT PRC: Initiate Project Deliverable Actions
PA_FP_GEN_AMT_WRP Generate Financial Plan Amounts
OKEDPDRF PRC: Relieve Project Deliverable Demand
PAFPMIPR Missing Periods: Date-Range Budgets
PAFPWACP This concurrent program processes the plan version data uploaded from a spreadsheet to Oracle Projects
PACCSLAR Generate accounting events for cross charge distributions
PAACCPB Create Accounting Program
PAGCAE Generate accounting events for cost transactions
PATXMAS This program processes mass adjustments of expenditure items.
PAXSIADJ The program reports on supplier cost transactions. You can use the report as an aid to reconcile Oracle Projects with Oracle Payables, Oracle Purchasing, and Oracle General Ledger.
PAXBUBDB Copy Actuals
PAXLAUPGCP Upgrade on demand child process program
PAXACCPB Create Accounting Program
PAXGLTRN Use this program to transfer to GL subledger journal entries generated by previous executions of the create accounting program
PA_XLAALEXP Export Application Accounting Definitions
PA_XLAALIMP Import Application Accounting Definitions
PA_XLAAPPURGE Purge old Transaction Objects Diagnostics related information
PA_XLAAPDIAG Transaction Objects Diagnostics Output
PA_XLAONDEUPG This program upgrades subledger transactions into Subledger Accounting for periods that have not been upgraded as part of the upgrade to release 12 process.
PA_XLABABUP Subledger Accounting Balances Update
PA_XLATBDMG Open Account Balances Data Manager
PAPEXRPT This report is called by the Period Close Validation Program to extract all those events which are either untransferred or are not accounted for.
PAJELINESRPT SLA Standard Journal Entry Lines Report
PAXAARPT Standard Account Analysis Report
PATTARIC Interface Intercompany Invoices to Receivables
PATTAR_IC Interface Intercompany Invoices to Receivables
PAFPURUP Streamline Rollup for Financial Plan Versions, Workplan Versions, and Change Orders
PAXRWPJS_XML Project Statuses
PAXRWPST_XML Projects Periods
PAXRWPSV_XML Service Types
PAXRWPTY_XML Project Types
PAXRWRVC_XML Revenue Categories
PAXRWSBR_XML Standard Rate Schedules
PAXRWUDF_XML Units Definition
PAXSIADJ_XML The program reports on supplier cost transactions. You can use the report as an aid to reconcile Oracle Projects with Oracle Payables, Oracle Purchasing, and Oracle General Ledger.
PAXSMPRD_XML Summarization Period Exceptions
PAXTRTRX_XML Transaction Import
PAXTRTXS_XML Transaction Sources
PAAPIMPR_XML Interface Project Costs from Payables/Purchasing Report
PACCGLER_XML PRC: Sweep Transaction Accounting Events (XML)
PACCINTG_XML PRC: Generate Capitalized Interest Transactions
PACCSLAR_XML Generate accounting events for cross charge distributions
PACINTAR_XML AUD: Inactive Capital Projects Report
PACRCAPS_XML Report for viewing capital project summary amounts
PACRCBDT_XML Project Asset Details Report
PACRCIPF_XML Report that displayes the interfaced CIP and RWIP Amounts
PAFPEXRP_XML Organization Forecast Exceptions Report
PARCPRJR_XML Maintain Project Resources
PARGCALGS_XML Generate Calendar Schedule for a Single Calendar
PARGCALG_XML Generate Calendar Schedules for a Range of Calendars
PARLBLDGS_XML Rebuild Timeline for a Single Resource
PARLBLDG_XML Rebuild Timeline for a Range of Resources
PAUBRUER_XML This process creates unbilled receivables and unearned revenue summary balances for draft revenue and draft invoices in Oracle Projects.
PAUPGRRL_XML UPG: Upgrade Resource List To Planning Resource List (XML)
PAXAAFTP_XML AutoAccounting Functions
PAXAARUL_XML AutoAccounting Rule Definitions
PAXAASRP_XML AutoAccounting Segment Rule Pairings
PAXAASVL_XML AutoAccounting Lookup Sets
PAXACMPT_SINGLE_XML Update Project Summary Amounts for a Single Project
PAXACMPT_XML Update Project Summary Amounts
PAXACRPT_XML Refresh Project Summary Amounts
PAXACRTA_XML Refresh Transaction Summary Amounts
PAXAGAST_XML Agreement Status By Customer
PAXALGAT_XML Generate Allocations Transactions
PAXALRAT_XML Release Allocations Transactions
PAXARPPR_XML Purge Project Data
PAXARPVD_XML PRC: Validate Purge Batches
PAXAUERT_XML Expense Report Audit Report
PAXAUGLT_XML AUD: Cost Audit Report
PAXAUMTC_XML Missing Timecards
PAXAUVIT_XML Supplier Invoice Audit Report
PAXBAUPD_XML Process project/task attribute mass update batches
PAXBUBSS_XML Revenue, Cost, Budgets by Work Breakdown Structure
PAXCCARS_XML Compile All Burden Schedule Revisions
PAXCCGLA_XML AUD: Cross Charge Audit Report
PAXCPCAL_XML Interface Assets to Fixed Assets
PAXCPGAL_SINGLE_XML Generate Asset Lines for a Single Project
PAXCPGAL_XML PRC: Generate Asset Lines for a Range of Projects (XML)
PAXEMRAO_XML Employee Activity By Organization
PAXEXADJ_XML Project Expenditure Adjustment Activity
PAXEXCPD_XML EXC: Transaction Exception Details
PAXEXCPS_XML Transaction Exception Summary
PAXEXGLD_XML Transaction Exception Details by GL Period
PAXEXGLS_XML Transaction Exceptions Summary by GL Period
PAXEXONE_XML Expense Report Entry
PAXEXTAR_XML Transfer Activity Report
PAXFRADR_XML Revaluated Funding Audit Report
PAXINGEN_XML Invoice Review
PAXMGPBS_XML Project Billing Status
PAXMGPSD_XML Revenue, Cost, Budgets by Resources (Project Level)
PAXMGSLD_XML AUD: Project Subledger: Detail by Project:  Shows the transactions in Oracle Projects for a GL account projectwise
PAXMGSLE_XML AUD: Project Subledger:  Detail by Expenditure Type:  Shows the transactions in Oracle Projects for a GL account Expenditure Typewise across projects
PAXMGSLS_XML AUD: Project Subledger: Summary
PAXMGTSD_XML Task – Revenue, Cost, Budgets by Resources
PAXMGURA_XML Unbilled Receivables Aging
PAXPCEGS_XML Expenditure Batch Status
PAXPCIDF_XML Invoice Flow Detail
PAXPCIFS_XML Invoice Flow Summary
PAXPCPRS_XML Potential Revenue Summary
PAXPCRFD_XML Revenue Flow Detail
PAXPCTCE_XML Timecard Entry
PAXPEAST_XML Employee Assignment
PAXPEEMO_XML Employee Assignments By Organization
PAXPEORG_XML Organization Listing
PAXPRCON_XML Project Configuration
PAXPRFRP_DELETE_XML Delete Revaluated Funding for a Range of Projects
PAXPRFRP_RANGE_XML Revaluate Funding for a Range of Projects
PAXPRFRP_SINGLE_XML Revaluate Funding for a Single Project
PAXPRWBS_XML Work Breakdown Structure
PAXRWAGT_XML Agreement Types
PAXRWDIF_XML Invoice Formats Listing
PAXRWDOH_XML Organization Hierarchy
PAXRWETP_XML Expenditure Types
PAXRWIMP_XML Implementation Options
PAXRWLCO_XML Labor Cost Rates Listing By Organization
PAXRWLCR_XML Labor Cost Rates Listing
PAXRWNLR_XML Non-Labor Resources By Organization
PAXRWPCC_XML Class Categories and Codes
PAXRWPCR_XML Project Customer Relationships
PAXRWPCT_XML Project Contact Types
PAPMPRPB This process recalculates task weighting percentages for the work breakdown structure, and updates planning elements for budgeting and forecasting.
PAPPURGE Purge Obsolete Projects Data
PARPPROJMGR Project Manager Reporting Pack
PARPWORKER Reporting Pack Worker Concurrent Program
PAPWPRI PRC: Release Pay when Paid Holds
PAPWPRIREP AUD: Pay When Paid Release Audit
PAREPGEN To generate and deliver reports
PA_DEBITMEMO_IMPORT PRC: Import Deductions To Payables

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