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Oracle Distributed Warehouse Management System Overview

Oracle Distributed WMS is a new module released in R12 that can support the WMS features in a stand alone system. This architecture is similar to Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning system where APS can be implemented as a separate instance. Distributed WMS can also be implemented as separate instance that will collect the data from ERP system and feed the inventory back to ERP system. Distributed WMS can be integrated with non-Oracle ERP systems.

Distributed WMS will be of tremendous help for a customers who need 24 x 7 availability of WMS systems. WMS can still process transactions while ERP system is down. Apart from this it also comes with Light weight Purchasing & Light weight Order Management that supports basic features of OM & PO modules without implementing them fully.

Distributed WMS inbound data collections from ERP:

  • Advanced Shipment Notices (ASN)
  • Purchase Orders
  • Items
  • Customers
  • Suppliers
  • Shipment Requests

Distributed WMS outbound data collections to ERP:

  • PO Receipts
  • Onhand quantities
  • Inventory Adjustments
  • Ship Confirmation